Monday, 23 April 2007


Earlier in this blog I outlined how I had sent to letters under the Freedom of Information Act (6th April 2007; “A Man Called H”). I have now received replies and I want you to pay close attention and concentrate;

“I sent two letters under the Freedom of Information Act concerning compulsory purchase of land and outstanding monies, one to Nexus and one to Sunderland City Council. I received reply from the Council saying that all the information was held by Nexus. I therefore wrote to Nexus asking them for the information. Their Head of Legal Services replied saying that it was not their problem, and I should contact the Council for the information, and if I wanted any more information I should send him £450 for the privilege. I then received another letter from said Head of Legal Services telling me the same thing again but with fewer words, and that he did not think any compulsory purchases had been made. And if I wanted to know about any outstanding monies he still wanted his £450. Oh by the way, in between all this I was given site of a letter to a Councillor in Sunderland from the Director of Rail and Infrastructure saying that land had been compulsory purchased, and that money was still owed. No mention of the $450 though.”

Now that should settle matters once and for all, but regretfully I can’t see through mud, and this whole exchange of letters is about as clear as mud! However, I do know when I am being treat like a mushroom and fed you know what! The whole scenario reminds me of those “That’s Life” programmes with Esther Rantzen when they used to read out letters from irate customers!. So it’s back to the drawing board, but this time with a couple of contradictory letters to batter Nexus with.


“Almost 38 Million journeys were made on the Tyne and Wear Metro system during the last year, the highest figure form 13 years. The figure represents a rise of 5.9% on the previous year, and means more than 130,000 people are using the Metro every weekday, and 170,000 at weekends.”

So said this weeks “Sunday Sun”. But what they forgot to mention was that they all parked their cars at East Boldon!

Saturday, 14 April 2007


Two letters in the post this morning. One from Sunderland City Council passing the buck onto Nexus, and one from Nexus re my Freedom of Information request. Normally they reply straight away. This time they are going to take the full 21 days; I think their cage has been rattled and that we may be onto something.

Tuesday, 10 April 2007


With the Metro line closed between Pelaw and South Hylton, the side streets and roads around East Boldon are particularly quite. If ever proof was needed as to the cause of congestion in this area, then we have it now!

Friday, 6 April 2007


Thursday proved to a very eventful day. I received a visit from a gentleman, who for legal reasons, shall have to remain nameless at this stage. I shall refer to him simply as “H”. H had a breakers yard which being situated next to a new Metro station was compulsory purchased by Nexus and a local authority. The thing is, nexus have still not paid him his money. Nor have they paid the business man next to him on the new line. Nor have they paid the business man next in line etc etc etc. Basically, Nexus took land and businesses from these people but have forgotten to pay them for the privilege. According to H, tribunals and inquiries are underway, with case actually lying on the Deputy Prime Ministers desk as we speak. I have sent off two Freedom of Information requests, one to nexus and one to a local authority concerning the circumstances surrounding this issue. I have a suspicion that nexus are not what they seem!


Wednesday, 4 April 2007


Whilst this week has been a time to lick our wounds (after all, Nexus have refused to do anything and the Council have abandoned us till at least next year) I have been as active as I can until we can formulate another campaign strategy.

Below is the text of a letter which I have sent to Inspector Peter Sutton of Northumbria Police. Inspector Sutton has always showed his commitment to this area and if he can help I am sure he will.

With regards to the future, watch this space, it should prove interesting!

Dear Inspector Sutton


You will no doubt be aware from the last Boldon Cleadon and Whitburn CAF meeting that East Boldon has a serious problem with regards to traffic congestion as a result of what has become an extremely busy Metro Station. Whilst it is accepted that the excessive over spill parking on residential side streets is not a police issue as such, I believe that the build up of stationary traffic on the approach to the crossing both from the East Boldon and Cleadon side does fall within the Northumbria remit.

Internet access is a very powerful tool in obtaining information, but it does not immediately turn laymen into experts. However, I have managed to obtain the wording of the HIGHWAYS ACT 1835, and I believe that the cars parked in the direct vicinity of the crossing are actually breaking the law. The specific part of the legislation I am concerned with covers Section 72, in that those people who park with a part of their vehicle on the path have wilfully driven a motor vehicle on a footpath set aside for the use of foot passengers. I also have concerns that these actions may also contravene Section 34 of the ROAD TRAFFIC ACT 1988, where the legislation has a similar approach.

My concerns centre also on the safety aspect of this congestion. Prams, buggies and wheel chair users are finding it very difficult at times to remain safely on the pavement due to cars parked in such a manor. There is also the aspect of traffic approaching from the Cleadon side having their way partly blocked by car congestion.

I am sure that you appreciate that my concerns on this issue are genuine, and that in the 15 year period I have been involved with this area of East Boldon I have always remained supportive of the police in the implementation of their duties. Whilst it is accepted that the area at present is not a “hot bed” of crime and as such the area is not a drain on police time, I would hope you would agree with the sentiment that when it does seek police assistance, it does so in the knowledge that the issue is a very real one. It is in with this sentiment that I would ask that you consider the legal argument which I have put before you, and should you concur, act accordingly.

Yours sincerely

Peter Shaw

Longstaffs Deli


Thank you for visiting this blog. You have either arrived here via publicity notices, from our other site or “Googled” the word “mayhem” (why would you do that?). Either way, the posts directly before this piece have been reproduced from our other site;

The decision to split the two was to allow adequate coverage of what are very important topics (see our individual profile descriptions).

Anything posted from today is up to date and “hot” of the press. Please feel free to post any comments and use the email address outlined above to contact me more directly.


Thank you to all those who turned up at last nights CAF meeting at Boldon Community Centre. To see such numbers again was a clear message that the people of East Boldon will no longer tolerate their streets and businesses being blighted by Metro parking congestion. I have been attending CAF meetings for this area for two years now, and I have NEVER seen such a turnout. Not only did we pack the venue with standing room only, but residents, not used to public speaking and certainly not used to the workings of council committees, put their heads above the parapet had their say!

Two things emerged from the meeting:

1. That Nexus have no idea when they will be able to build a car park extension. They have made no progress in purchasing the land needed, and haven’t even finished paying for the land which they used for the current car park. THERE WILL BE NO EXTENSION THIS DECADE.

2. That the Council will not even look at the residents control plan which was placed before them UNTIL AT LEAST THE SUMMER OF 2007. Even then, this community will then have to go into “the pot” with about 48 other areas to see whether our case is worthy.

Clearly we have been abandoned: Nexus have misled this community for five years and the Council has neither the stomach nor the will to tackle the problem NOW.

However, if we give up then Nexus will return to their policy of doing nothing and the Council will adopt schemes for other residential areas. This community will then sink without trace. I shall therefore continue to fight for a solution to the problem of congestion in this area, and like Robin Hood, I will gather helpers as I go along my merry way. Should any one have new or novel ideas as to how we can continue the campaign outside of the normal restraints then please contact me via this blog or on the new email address below



Should any council or nexus employees read this blog then this is for you:

We Won’t Give Up!

To any local residents or other interested parties this is you:

Write to your Councillors ~ Write to your MP

Write to the local papers ~ Write to the Council


On a brighter note, the council plans to turn Cleadon Village into a traffic roundabout were well and truly defeated. Cleadon residents, not known for their revolutionary fervour, turned up in numbers to oppose the plans. The deliberate manipulation of statistics by the council planners was never going to get passed this lot and the pen, pencil and protractor brigade were told to go away and inflict their white elephant schemes on somebody else. The look of abject horror on the faces of the planning hierarchy was a picture to be savoured. In one fell swoop residents had ruined budget plans and work schedules for possibly the next six months. There was an aura of disbelief that tax payers had had the nerve to challenge full time council officials with such ridiculous arguments concerning protecting the community, preserving a village’s aesthetics and that to often ignored concept, ensuring that money is spent correctly. This was a well earned victory for common sense and for public participation, but for the poor council planners, it’s back to the drawing board. Literally!

On a separate but equally important note, it was a pleasure to see the enigma that is Councillor David Potts (Conservative, Cleadon and East Boldon Ward). David is clearly a gifted and articulate speaker, his arguments are coherent and he sees the issues in a larger context. His main problem is that he forgets to turn up at meetings. This was only his second appearance at a CAF meeting since May 2006, which when you consider the serious problems faced by his constituents, this is unacceptable. With only three Conservative members in a Labour dominated Borough, we need an effective voice of opposition (I don’t include that bunch of champagne socialists who refer to themselves as “independents”). By choosing to attend meetings only when the press or a large part of the public are there is no way to provide this opposition. With one ward councillor already impaled on his own sword for not going to meetings, you would think that David would have learnt a lesson. Clearly not!

After what has been a tough week, the weekend looms. For me, the history books will be dusted down and scoured for examples of peaceful public resistance. You never know, the Gazette may soon have the front page heading “SHOP KEEPER CHAINS HIMSELF TO METRO CROSSING BARRIERS”.


Tomorrow is a very important day for our Metro Campaign, as we finally present our case to the Boldon Cleadon and Whitburn CAF. I have trudged the streets with flyers, done “x” amount of local press interviews and blogged my heart out! It is now up to the public to pick up the mantle and turn up at the meeting. If we have the same numbers as the public meeting last week, we are are in for one hell of a show! If not, well at least I tried!




South Tyneside Council have partnered with the private company APCOA to set up South Tyneside Parking Services to manage and enforce off street parking.

As a result of this, Traffic Wardens have been replaced by Parking Attendants.

The council’s own literature describes the situation as such:


Local enforcement will keep South Tyneside moving, reduce dangerous and inconvenient parking, support local businesses, support town centre needs, assist loading and unloading, improve conditions in resident parking areas, improve safety outside schools and assist blue badge holders.”

There are only 12 Parking Attendants to cover South Tyneside borough as a whole. Not only do they have to enforce traffic laws but the council wants them to act as their eyes and ears and report any fly tipping and street lights that are not working. To make matters worse, police involvement in monitoring of parking on yellow lines etc, has been taken out of their control.

I therefore believe that the literature should have described the situation more accurately as:


Local enforcement does not keep South Tyneside moving, increases dangerous and inconvenient parking, offers no support to local businesses, offers no support to town centre needs, does not assist loading and unloading, neglects residential areas, ignores safety outside schools and offers no assistance to blue badge holders.

· When was the last time you saw a parking attendant outside East Boldon schools?

· When was the last time you saw a parking attendant enforcing yellow line restrictions at East Boldon shops?

· When was the last time you saw a parking attendant improving conditions in resident’s parking areas on the side streets of East Boldon?

I apologise for any misunderstanding that the council’s version may have caused and hope that my interpretation has made matters clearer.


The decision to write this blog has it’s origins in a campaign I am currently waging against Nexus and South Tyneside Council. Since the establishment of a Metro station at East Boldon, the area within a ¼ mile radius has become a “park and ride” region for commuters. The current car park provided by Nexus cannot cope, resulting in residential side streets being strewn with abandoned cars and safety issues coming to the fore in that people can no longer cross the roads safely due to cars parked on pavements etc. On a retail level, this congestion has seriously curtailed commercial trade; if people cannot park to access their local shops they will spend their money elsewhere. My own shop, Longstaffs Deli, is located about three hundred yards from the Station, and has seen its turn over halved in the last three years.

Despite promises from Nexus, no car park extension has materialised, and despite obvious congestion problems, no help has been received from South Tyneside Council. Clearly, the time has arrived for residents to take matters into their own hands and reclaim their streets. Two months ago I devised a strategy that if implemented, I felt would alleviate the problems faced by East Boldon.


The introduction of residential parking schemes in those streets directly surrounding the Metro station would relieve the congestion pressure faced by local residents.


By using double yellow lines on both sides of the roads adjacent to the crossing, the safety issues of banked up traffic and safely crossing the road would be alleviated.


By restricting waiting times to i.e. 2 hours in these areas, parking spaces will be made available to those who wish to use local shops, businesses and amenities. This will ensure the viability of local commerce and protect employment and council revenue.


The degree of the current parking area provided by Nexus must be extended to incorporate both current and projected commuter use.

However, this final element has drawbacks

¨ Land must be purchased/acquired to accommodate extension

¨ People must be forced to use it

¨ The correct number of new spaces must be provided

However, what is clear is that the problems being experienced by East Boldon are not unique. A trawl of the internet and local press archives reveals that the councils through out the region are being forced to confront Metro induced traffic congestion in residential areas. This highlights two very important and pertinent issues. Firstly, that Nexus has failed over the last ten years to acknowledge its social responsibilities to the areas where it builds its stations. It is in effect operating a policy of “build and abandon”. Secondly, councils and local authorities are using tax payer’s money to clean the mess up.

I believe that a regional debate on the effects of Metro expansion is long overdue. Its current network now covers Newcastle Airport to the City of Sunderland, with further expansion planned. That equates to a lot of communities whose nature, individuality and character will be irreversibly altered. It also means that a lot of money will have to be spent to cater for Nexus lack of community responsibility.

The local regional press have given this issue a lot of coverage, and the matter has been placed before the Community area Forum for Boldon Cleadon and Whitburn for debate at its meeting on 29th March, when a Nexus planning official will be present. This should be a very entertaining night as Nexus have been very “economical” with the truth. They have submitted no planning application for the extension, they have problems purchasing the land (and have no powers to compulsory purchase) and have neither the political of financial will to see the matter through. THERE WILL BE NO CAR PARK THIS DECADE.

This just about brings this introduction to an end. However, becoming involved in such an issue does lead to a degree of political “awakening”. My involvement with local councillors on the Metro issue has revealed a very simple fact; some councillors are very committed, whilst others basically have no intention or personal obligation to discharge their duties in a way that the public expects. This council is also a closed shop of Labour cohorts and has no effective voice of opposition. Northern Uproar will fill this gap. I won’t slander and I won’t lie; I will tell the truth and probably be damned for it. But as Alexander Jablokov said “The road to truth is long, and lined the entire way with annoying bastards.” So post your comments and have your say, but be opened minded enough to take on board what is said.